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hands on entertainment, marketing, and brand development. Trending toward gamifcation also increases competing company’s opposition with one another, which in turn will generate even more benefts for consumers in the form of price cuts, bonus ofers, rewards programs, memberships, and, of course, entertaining apps delivered via social media. In other words, gamifcation is poised to usher in a new era of customer satisfaction and appreciation. Cloud computing is a groundbreaking computing/ networking solution, which has the potential to change the world. The modern trend of gamifcation through social media is a revolutionary new way to generate consumer interest, drive, entertainment, and achievement.

Inwhatwaysmight thesetwoconcepts/ technologiescoalesce?

The most obvious

application of gamifcation with regards to cloud computing would be in capturing new (cloud) users.

For example, gamifcation elements that might represent and function like real components of a cloud computing architecture can be isolated and delivered via social media. This is to say that certain applications normally attributed to a cloud could be “gamifed” and ofered up as entertainment. In doing so, the functions, features, and uses for said app(s) could be more easily disseminated to a mass

audience. For example, let’s say company A is ofering a cloud computing service for online music access and storage. At some point, company A decides to begin marketing via gamifcation and creates a limited feature version of one of their fagship apps for deployment on various social media sites. The proposed app would load like any other game and allow users to upload their own creations and market them to other users ( is a good example of this). Once individual users see the increased attention they’re getting via this new gamifcation element, they will often decide to purchase the full version of the product or subscribe to it.

In this way, potential cloud users could be targeted

and sold on specifc features inherent in cloud computing without bogging them down or confusing them with the dizzying number of potential uses. However, marketing is not the only area where gamifcation can be used to drive people into cloud computing.

Because there are very few dedicated cloud architectures in existence, there is quite a bit of room left for further improvements or establishments. Gamifcation could be integrated in hundreds of new ways to assist in managing, running, performing, and tabulating tasks/data on a cloud network.

For example, many cloud providers are apt to ofer “pay-per-use”–style cloud service where users only pay for the resources/bandwidth that they use or


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