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« Previous Page Table of Contents Next Page »As employee approval increases, so does the capability for increasing levels of both production (output) and efciency (constancy).
Contented employees are often prone to implement creative problem-solving or devise inventive solutions, which in turn, produces/saves profts. So the idea is to institute certain incentive prog (via gamifcation elements) in order to strike a b between productivity and freedom. In doing so employer can expect nothing more than loyalt renewed fervor from employees in their duties. especially important in HR, where employees in department are expected to help others resolv workplace difculties.
With gamifcation, it is also extremely easy to generate competition within the workplace. One needs to be mindful of the ethical implications associated with competition and gamifcation, however, as pitting employees against one ano for the company’s beneft (or your own) is disgr and counterintuitive to any businesses true goa However, tapping into the competitive aspect o any professional environment is a sure-fre way generate interesting activity (with gamifcation Competition isn’t all bad though; it often attracts the most determined and resourceful individuals a prods them toward even greater accomplishme which, in turn, beneft the entire organization. A competitive atmosphere might also increase th numbers of individuals that are actively particip in certain projects or tasks. Gamifcation is espe useful in this regard. For example, the easiest w get that “difcult and/or tedious” project comp (which might have been lying there dormant fo weeks/months) is to begin ofering comparable incentives to those employees that are able to complete it.
In many ways, gamifcation represents a microc of the way larger economic elements function interact with one another. Sure, some incentive or awards might not be that outstanding, but compare them with endlessly performing the s type of tasks day in, day out with absolutely no acknowledgment. In fact, most people go out o way to avoid dealing with management because seeing them usually means something went w some disciplinary measure must be taken.
Gamifcation essentially reverses this stigma (associated with all forms or levels of business management). With gamifcation in place, the next visit from your boss might be to ofer you a promotion.
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