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and fosters a greater sense of desire from employees
because they are given the opportunity to creatively
address whatever work they are doing. Another
fringe benefit of this is that more creative (or brilliant)
solutions can be devised. As the old saying goes, “two
heads are better than one”. If you have all of your
employees actively searching for quicker, more efficient
solutions to ongoing problems / work / duties (as
opposed to simply following orders), you’re going to
end up with increased productivity.
In terms of improving communications, cloud
computing cannot be matched by traditional IT. In the
same way that web tools, apps, and communication
interfaces can improve connectivity, so too can cloud
computing. Additionally, any type of web service,
app, or software can be repacked or deployed
on a cloud. This means that you can have a much
cleaner interface for users with a greater number of
individual points of communication. For instance,
through cloud computing it would be possible for an
organization to establish an in-house video messaging
/ conferencing service which might greatly improve
inter-departmental communications and relations.
However, the use of cloud computing technologies
will require the effort and understanding of your IT
department personnel. If your business has yet to begin
exploring this facet of IT preparedness you should
know that now is a great time to do so.
To simply say that cloud computing can increase
productivity in the workplace is a bit of an
understatement. The truth is, cloud computing can
effectively redesign the way your business approaches
and accomplishes the work it performs on a daily
basis. In this way, cloud computing is less a means to
improving productivity and more of a comprehensive
infrastructure which allows for the increased
streamlining of inter-office activities.