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Service Improvement Plans (SIPs) are formal plans to implement improvements to a process or service. They are used to ensure that improvement actions are identifed and carried out on a regular basis.

A SIP must contain details about whom and when the plans for improvement will be implemented or reviewed and who will be responsible and involved in specifc tasks. Even if services appear to be operating at high quality levels and delivering customer satisfaction, there are always aspects of the service that can be refected upon or modifed to maintain quality or even result in a higher quality service.

Effectively communicating to customers about changes and improvements will ensure the customer understands the reason for changes and the benefts they will bring. Making sure your customers are aware of these changes well in advance is always a must. No matter how big or small the change in service, an apology to the customer for any inconvenience caused is an essential courtesy to be displayed with your notifcation of change.

Service Improvement


When it is not changes

or improvements but the availability of additional services that you are reporting to the customer, it is essential to ensure they are made fully aware of the purpose, benefts, and any associated risks with regards to purchasing and using the extra services.

There are many methodologies that exist for good practices in creating and managing service improvement plans and initiatives, such as SixSigma and the Continual Service Improvement phase of the current ITIL ® framework.

Brad Andrews

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