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Through a cloud based email account, a user often
has a myriad of options at their disposal, apart
from just email services. Often, these cloud email
addresses are part of a larger cloud-based account
structure that ofers users access to hundreds of
diferent applications, as well as specifc features. In
many ways, cloud email service is like a miniaturized
version of a larger cloud networking structure. The
diference being that cloud email only involves the
deployment of email (along with other potential
applications), whereas a true
cloud computing service ofers
comprehensive hardware
simulation, virtualization and
operating software along with
a specialized interface, which
is designed to interact with
and provision the resources of
cloud hardware.
Cloud email acts (or behaves)
in much the same manner
as other cloud services, but
it is much less complex; it
is essentially a system for
maintaining and operating a
multi-purpose account that
is designed around remotely
accessing an email server.
Whereas cloud computing
hinges around accessing hardware specifc functions,
cloud email is more geared toward software specifc
functions and applications.
Cloud Email Applications
The wealth of free cloud email applications ofered by
their providers is simply stunning. In fact, cloud email
accounts are quickly becoming sophisticated online
PDAs of sorts. For example, Gmail (which is arguably
the most popular and feature-laden cloud email
service currently available) links to Google Apps to
allows you to:
• Organize your own calendar
• Organize your medical records
• Place calls (domestic and international) with
extremely competitive rates
• Search a highly developed database of
scholarly articles for research and citations
• Publish your own blog
• Map any location on earth
• Get directions
• Publish, share and even edit documents
• Upload, Share and edit photos remotely.
• Do translations.
• Search for books related to specific topics.
• Get instant access to up-to-the-minute
financial data.
And if all of that was not enough,
Gmail also provides support
for accessing their cloud email
accounts via mobile devices. The
full list of applications (in Gmail)
is extremely extensive and they
continue to add new services on
a continuous basis.
Why so many applications?
People like the fexibility of
being able to do everything
from one point of access, which
is perfectly understandable. It
is extremely inconvenient to
have to log in to several diferent
sites/locations just to access
the tools that a person uses
on a regular basis, especially if
these tools are provided by the same company that
provides their cloud email (or if they are partnered
with them). And of course, logging into several sites/
applications/tools can lead to an inefcient use of
system resources and even errors within the OS or
browser. The obvious solution to this type of dilemma
is full integration. And, of course, once a cloud
email service provider establishes a stable system
of integration, they can simply copy it and ofer it to
every user that signs up for their services. And once a
user establishes their account, their preferences and
activities are logged so that materials, applications
and even advertisements that are specifc to their
interests can be presented.
Cloud Email and Social Media/
Many cloud email providers have already integrated
their services with nearly all of the popular social
media outlets. This push toward integrating social
networking with user end email features allows a
person to keep track of all correspondences, friends,
and colleagues. And you can literally monitor their
social networking activities via updates or even widget-
like devices that are built into the email interface. Most
cloud email systems have even integrated chat-style
features into their accounts, which allow connected
users to quickly communicate with one another—
an invaluable tool for those that like to do business
through their cloud email accounts.
A Personal and Business Capable Interface
that Can Be Remotely Accessed from Any
The best feature or aspect of cloud email has to be its
ability to act as a storage center, organizer and remotely
accessible personal/business data platform. Using
cloud email means that you no longer have to worry
about where your fles are, where your presentation is,
what that contact’s name was—the list goes on and
on. Cloud email completely streamlines the way we
interface with people on both personal and professional
levels. The best evidence concerning the benefts of
using cloud email service(s) is apparent in the number
of governmental bodies that (in recent years) have
transitioned to cloud-based email systems.
Here is a partial list of (US) governmental bodies that are
currently using cloud email:
• General Services Administration
• The Department of Agriculture
• Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
• Department of Labor
• Many Metropolitan Governments including:
• San Francisco
As well as countless others that have already moved to
the cloud or are considering it in the near future.
The features, availability, fexibility, scalability, security
and remote access abilities of cloud email make it an
obvious choice for individuals and governments, for
personal or business purposes. Since the use of cloud
email systems are extremely inexpensive (especially
when compared to the costs that an institution or
governmental body must front to set up their own
email servers), the choice of moving to the cloud is an
obvious one.
Whereas cloud computing hinges
around accessing hardware
specific functions, cloud email
is more geared toward software
specific functions and applications.