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How does IT Governance
fit into your typical
corporate strategy?
Having a ‘well-stocked’ IT
department, complete with
a well-trained staff and all the
latest technological trinkets,
that most large businesses
need. Likewise, a solid IT
sector needs to be under
the near-constant watch
of a knowledgeable and
team if it is to properly
function within the context
However, there is distinct difference between
what qualifies as IT management and IT
Arguably, the biggest IT failures of the past
are directly related to inabilities to accurately
enact an IT governance strategy that
takes the goals of the parent business into
consideration. But before we examine this
link any further, let’s define IT governance.
In a nutshell,
IT governance is all about
, or rather, applying IT assets
It’s also worth noting that true IT governance is
something that requires the guidance of one or
more individuals who are able to clearly visualize
the “big picture” in terms of their company’s
status, capabilities, goals, and decision-making.
At its heart, IT governance is dedicated to
bringing the abilities of the IT department
into complete congruity with the complete
strategy of an organization’s leadership.
IT management can perform their duties well
(from inside the tech sphere)
and still remain largely unaware
and unconnected with the true
ambitions and desires of the
business they serve. In other words,
IT management is completely
different from governance. Once
provides no direction when it comes
to implementing external strategies.
This doesn’t mean to imply that IT managers
cannot participate in governance however. It
might even be argued that they, along with
those on the “inside track” on the business end
of the spectrum, should be working alongside
one another (where IT governance is concerned).
What does IT governance specifically entail?
– Aligning the overall IT strategy with
that of thebusiness itself (which theyareapart of ).
Value Delivery
– Particular attention is paid to
the potential ROI with regard to governance
strategy, actions, and purpose. At the end
of the day, the goal is to show shareholders
the value of the IT department as a whole.
Risk Management
– Given that IT is an
investment, precautions must be taken to
ensure that long-term functionality is possible.
Additionally, since most IT departments these
days are carrying out increasingly important
tasks and roles, their status and security must
remain very high on any list of priorities.
Resource Management
– IT governance
isn’t just about diverting known resources to
areas where they might be needed and/or
ensuring proper maintenance of said assets.
There should also be focus on resources
which might be required in the future.
measurement, it is possible to
determine what’s working and
what isn’t. Likewise, PM allows
one to spot potential problems
that might be cropping up before
they become systemic issues.
So, while IT management deals with simply
maintaining an IT operation, governance seeks
to direct the entire production toward ensuring
participation in bringing corporate strategies to
life. Additionally, governance might also be used
to guarantee that a business’ IT department is
in alignment with any critical compliance issues
(like Basel II or Sarbanes–Oxley, for example).
What’s the best way to create a powerful
IT governance system or improve the one
you already have? Simply put, having
specific employees explore certification for
IT governance is a really good idea, and it’s a
very affordable option as well. If you are an IT
professional with an inclination toward business
(or perhaps you just have a lot of great ideas
with regard to IT-business integration), seeking
out training and certification in IT governance
is going to be a really good move for you.
As corporate leaders continue to place increased
focus on the abilities of IT, the demand for
individuals who truly understand IT governance
will continue to increase. Furthermore, given
that the technologies driving IT continue to grow
and expand (as well as the overall influence of IT
itself ), often in unexpected ways, the importance
of IT governance can only increase. In other
words, those who are pursuing IT governance
typically understand that the role of IT within
business is shifting and they’re positioning
themselves as leaders within their field.
the demand
who truly
understand IT
will continue
to increase
“there is a distinct
difference between IT
Management and IT
Governance ”
The Art of Service